The UFO files

Page 172: Claim in a newspaper article that ‘a man from the government’
visited two young girls in Leeds who reported seeing a UFO landing.

Page 173: Cutting from the Sunday Mirror 17 May 1987 quoting the Admiral Lord Peter Hill-Norton, a former Chief of Defence Staff, who had become a UFO believer on retirement from the MoD.

Pages 189 - 202: This section of the file contains a full copy of BUFORA’s 1986 publication Mystery of the Circles, a pamphlet co-authored by Jenny Randles and Paul Fuller on the crop circle mystery.

Page 214: In May 1985 Ralph Noyes wrote to his successor as head of DS8 (which became Sec(AS) in 1985) asking if MoD had retained copies of “interesting gun-camera clips” taken by RAF aircrew during the 1950s that “suggested the existence of a puzzling phenomenon.”

This is from the Highlights Guide to The UFO files just released to the National Archives by the Ministry of Defence, containing reported sightings of UFOs from 1986-1992.

Read all about the near collision of a passenger jet and UFO in Kent and the pilots of a US Air Force jet being ordered to shoot down a UFO over East Anglia, and make sure you wander through the rest of the excellent National Archives website. Who knows, maybe you end up with a PhD in economic history.

by datacharmer | Friday, October 24, 2008
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